
1/18 ブギーポップは笑わない #4「VSイマジネーター 1」


放送時間:22:30 ~ 23:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

悠木碧 / 大西沙織 / 近藤玲奈 / 小林千晃 / 下地紫野 / 諏訪彩花 / 榎木淳弥 / 市川蒼 / 竹達彩奈 / 宮田幸季 / 八代拓 / 市ノ瀬加那 / 細谷佳正 / 長谷川芳明 / 阿澄佳奈 / 上田燿司 / 花澤香菜


1/17 BanG Dream! 2nd Season #3「Sing Girls」


放送時間:23:00 ~ 23:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


愛美 / 大塚紗英 / 西本りみ / 大橋彩香 / 伊藤彩沙 / 佐倉綾音 / 前島亜美 / 相羽あいな / 伊藤美来

1/18 グリムノーツ The Animation ♯2


放送時間:1:58 ~ 2:28
频道: TBS
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

 エクスたちがやって来たのは、「ドン・キホーテの想区」。だが、本来の物語とは異なり、恐ろしい悪魔の群れが人々を襲っていた。そして空は不気味に赤く染まり、想区そのものが崩壊しようとしている。その原因は何か? さっそく調査を開始するエクスたちだったが、その前に、意外な人物が現れ……。

逢坂良太 / れいな / 上田麗奈 / 江口拓也 / SHANE / 久保田未夢 / 水島大宙 / 上坂すみれ / アリス / 種田梨沙 / シンデレラ / 悠木碧 / 間島淳司 / 菅原静貴 / 山口宏

1/18 五等分の花嫁 第2話


放送時間:1:28 ~ 1:58
频道: TBS
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

松岡禎丞 / 花澤香菜 / 竹達彩奈 / 伊藤美来 / 佐倉綾音 / 水瀬いのり / 高森奈津美 / 日野聡 / 大知慶一郎 / 平光琢也

1/17 超次元革命アニメ Dimensionハイスクール #2「一番大切なもの」


放送時間:22:00 ~ 22:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

石井孝英 / 大塚剛央 / 橋本祥平 / 財木琢磨 / 染谷俊之 / 江口拓也 / 諏訪部順一


1/15 サークレット・プリンセス #2 

AR技術の発展によるMR-ミックスド・リアリティ-システムを応用したインフラが普及した社会。MR技術を応用し、女子高生を中心とした新しいスポーツ、その名もサークレット・バウト。人気スポーツとなったサークレット・バウトは学園だけでなく、地域を巻き込んだエンターテイメントに急成長し、スター選手は国民的人気者になるほど盛り上がりを見せていた。一方、今や部の存続すら危うい弱小チームと化したかつての強豪校、聖ユニオン学園に一人の転校生が現れた。サークレット・バウトに魅せられ和歌山の山奥からやってきた、彼女の名前は佐々木優佳! 果たして、優佳は聖ユニオン学園の救世主になれるのか!?

放送時間:23:00 ~ 23:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

長妻樹里 / 中島沙樹 / 生天目仁美 / 水橋かおり / 後藤麻衣 / 種崎敦美 / 平井祥恵 / 相川奈都姫 / 立石めぐみ / 谷口夢奈 / 近村望実 / 丸山有香 / 藤田彩 / 櫻井浩美 / 湯浅かえで

1/16 風が強く吹いている #13 AnichU


放送時間: 1:29 ~ 1:59
频道: 日テレ
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

大塚剛央 / 豊永利行 / 内山昂輝 / 入野自由 / 榎木淳弥 / 次郎 / 上村祐翔 / 興津和幸 / 株元英彰 / 星野貴紀 / 野村和也 / 喜安浩平

1/17 盾の勇者の成り上がり #2

放送時間: 1:05 ~ 1:35
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

石川界人 / 瀬戸麻沙美 / 日高里菜 / 松岡禎丞 / 高橋信 / 山谷祥生 / 内田真礼

1/16 明治東亰恋伽 #2「牛鍋は湯気にかすむロマン」


放送時間:  23:30 ~ 0:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

諸星すみれ / 森鴎外 / 浪川大輔 / 菱田春草 / KENN / 鳥海浩輔 / 泉鏡花 / 岡本信彦 / 福山潤 / 小泉八雲 / 立花慎之介 / 細谷佳正 / 森川智之

1/16 ケムリクサ #2


放送時間:  22:30 ~ 23:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


Ring / 小松未可子 / 清都ありさ / りな / 鷲見友美ジェナ


1/15 ぱすてるメモリーズ #2「ご注文は?と言われても……」


放送時間:0:30 ~ 1:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


新田ひより / 鳥部万里子 / 内山夕実 / 藤井ゆきよ / 村川梨衣 / 大空直美 / 山本亜衣 / 小倉唯 / 花守ゆみり / 久保ユリカ / 戸田めぐみ / 小岩井ことり / 森永千才 / たかはし智秋

1/15 転生したらスライムだった件 #15


放送時間:0:00 ~ 0:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


岡咲美保 / 豊口めぐみ / 前野智昭 / 花守ゆみり / 古川慎 / 千本木彩花 / M・A・O / 江口拓也 / 大塚芳忠 / 柳田淳一 / 山本兼平 / 石谷春貴 / 泊明日菜 / 小林親弘 / 斧アツシ / 田中理恵 / 日高里菜

1/14 モブサイコ100II #2「都市伝説~噂との遭遇~」


放送時間:23:00 ~ 23:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


伊藤節生 / 櫻井孝宏 / 大塚明夫 / 入野自由 / 松岡禎丞

1/14 エガオノダイカ #2


放送時間:22:30 ~ 23:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


花守ゆみり / 早見沙織 / 松岡禎丞 / 佐藤利奈 / ハロルド・ミラー / 神奈延年 / 置鮎龍太郎 / 小市眞琴 / 榎木淳弥 / 松山鷹志 / 長久友紀 / 増田俊樹

1/14 どろろ #2

Ep 1


放送時間:22:00 ~ 22:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

鈴木拡樹 / 鈴木梨央 / 佐々木睦 / 内田直哉 / 千葉翔也 / 大塚明夫 / 中村千絵 / 麦人


1/14 ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか #2 「怪物祭(モンスターフィリア)」


放送時間:0:00 ~ 0:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

松岡禎丞 / 水瀬いのり / 大西沙織 / 内田真礼 / 戸松遥 / 石上静香 / 日笠陽子 / 久保ユリカ / 岡本信彦 / 早見沙織

1/14 [新] だがしかし2 


放送時間:0:30 ~ 1:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

【ビッグカツとペペロンチーノと…】  木枯らし吹くころ、荒れ果てたシカダ駄菓子の前でココノツは数ヶ月前を振り返る。それはまだ暑い夏の日、お昼のメニューを考えながら「とんかつ……」と呟いたココノツの前に、その言葉に召喚されたようにほたるが現れ、駄菓子揚げ物界のレジェンド「ビッグカツ」の誕生秘話を語りだしたのだった。

【野球盤ガムとポンポン船と…】  台風接近に伴い風雨が吹き荒れる日に、シカダ駄菓子にやってくるほたる・サヤ・豆。3人はそのまま店に泊まることに。野球盤ガムにはまるほたる。ココノツの家に泊まると聞いてドキドキのサヤ。ほたるとサヤがお風呂に入ると聞いた豆は「男なら行くっきゃないだろう!」と、ココノツを誘い風呂を覗こうとする。

竹達彩奈 / 阿部敦 / 沼倉愛美 / 遠藤 / 鈴木達央 / 藤原啓治 / 赤崎千夏 / 杉田智和

1/13 [新] 賭ケグルイ×× #1「再ビ賭ケ狂ウ女タチ」


カオスと悦楽を求める綺羅莉の思惑による選挙戦。さらに、その機に乗じ、新たな脅威が訪れる。百喰一族ーー綺羅莉と夢子に連なる者たちが。蛇喰夢子と友情を深めてきた鈴井涼太、早乙女芽亜里、皇 伊月の4名は、この仕組まれた総選挙の中、自らの信念をかけた闘いを迫られる。弱肉強食の学園で「餌」となるか、他を喰らい生態系の「長」となるか。ギリギリの選択が心を揺さぶる「究極の選挙バトルロイヤル」がいま始まる!

放送時間:23:30 ~ 0:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

早見沙織 / 田中美海 / 徳武竜也 / 若井友希 / 奈波果林 / 伊瀬茉莉也 / 芹澤優 / 杉田智和 / 鵜殿麻由 / 福原綾香 / 沢城みゆき / MEGUMI / 井上遥乃 / 竹達彩奈

1/13 [新] ワンパンマン #1「最強の男」


放送時間:23:00 ~ 23:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

古川慎 / 石川界人 / 梶裕貴 / 悠木碧 / 山路和弘 / 安元洋貴 / 櫻井孝宏 / 小西克幸 / 中村悠一 / 宮野真守 / 早見沙織

1/13 [新] 荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 #1


放送時間:22:30 ~ 23:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

鈴代紗弓 / 幸村恵理 / Keito / 仲谷明香 / レオナ / 瀬戸麻沙美 / 山村響 / チカ / 富田美憂 / 矢島晶子 / 藤原啓治 / 大久保瑠美 / ジョニー / 上田燿司 / Lyrico / 東山奈央

1/13 W’z≪ウィズ≫ #2「ShE SaW Soul《シー・ソウ・ソウル》」 


放送時間: 1:30 ~ 2:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


福原かつみ / 増田俊樹 / 武内駿輔 / 江口拓也 / 山上佳之介 / 浪川大輔 / 福山潤 / 藤田茜 / 水瀬いのり / 種崎敦美 / 高橋未奈美 / 日笠陽子

1/13 [新] えんどろ~! #1


少女たちは、いつの日か出ずる魔王を倒すべく冒険者学校へ通います。ちょっと抜けているけど勇者体質の、ユーシャ。生真面目ゆえに苦労が絶えないエルフの聖者、セイラ。食べることが大好きで明るい戦士、ファイ。 物静かなヲタク魔法使いの、メイ。勇者パーティーを目指す4人の、いつまでたっても魔王をたおす様子のないゆる~いファンタジーライフがはじまります。

放送時間: 1:00 ~ 1:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

赤尾ひかる / セイラ / 夏川椎菜 / ファイ / 小澤亜李 / メイ / 水瀬いのり / 麻倉もも / マオ / 久野美咲

1/12 [新] バミューダトライアングル~カラフル・パストラーレ~ #1「パーレルへようこそ」


放送時間: 22:00 ~ 22:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop



武田羅梨沙多胡 / カノン / 平栗萌香 / 紡木吏佐 / 遠野ひかる / 進藤あまね / 日高のり子 / 井上喜久子 / 松井恵理子 / 下山田綾華 / コーダ / 内山夕実 / 竹内恵美子 / 斎藤千和 / 野島裕史 / 松山鷹志

1/12 青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない #2「初デートに波乱は付き物」


放送時間: 21:00 ~ 21:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

石川界人 / 瀬戸麻沙美 / 久保ユリカ / 東山奈央 / 種崎敦美 / 内田真礼 / 水瀬いのり


1/12 [新] かぐや様は告らせたい~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~ #1 「映画に誘わせたい」「かぐや様は止められたい」「かぐや様はいただきたい」


放送時間: 23:30 ~ 0:00  (30分)
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


古賀葵 / 古川慎 / 小原好美 / 鈴木崚汰 / 早坂愛 / 花守ゆみり / 青山穣


1/12 [新] 魔法少女特殊戦あすか #1「帰ってきた魔法少女」


放送時間:2:15 ~ 2:45
频道: TBS
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

洲崎綾 / 関根明良 / 松井恵理子 / M・A・O / 日笠陽子 / 竹達彩奈 / 高橋李依 / 橋本ちなみ / 乃村健次 / 菊池こころ / 深見真 / 海法紀光

1/12 [新]ドメスティックな彼女 #1「ここであたしと、してくんない?」【アニメイズム】


放送時間:1:45 ~ 2:15
频道: TBS
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

夏生は友達に誘われた合コンで出会った瑠衣と初体験をしてしまう。なりゆきでしてしまったことに高揚しながらも、好きな人のことを諦めきれずにいた。そんなある日、父の再婚相手の家族が訪ねてきて…。 「藤井さんのお子さんって、藤井くんだったの!?」 

内田真礼 / 日笠陽子 / 八代拓 / 佳村はるか / 小原好美 / 江口拓也 / 飛田展男 / 日野由利加 / 益山武明 / 梶原岳人 / 緑川光 / 平川大輔 / 津田健次郎 / 井畑翔太 / 高橋龍也

1/12 [新] デート・ア・ライブIII #1「七番目の精霊」


放送時間:1:40 ~ 2:10
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


島崎信長 / 井上麻里奈 / 富樫美鈴 / 竹達彩奈 / 野水伊織 / 真田アサミ / 内田真礼 / 茅原実里 / 真野あゆみ


1/11 (金) [新] 五等分の花嫁 第1話


放送時間: 1:33 ~ 2:03
频道: TBS
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

松岡禎丞 / 花澤香菜 / 竹達彩奈 / 伊藤美来 / 佐倉綾音 / 水瀬いのり / 高森奈津美 / 日野聡 / 大知慶一郎 / 平光琢也

1/11 (金) [新] ガーリー・エアフォース #1「紅い翼」


放送時間: 0:30 ~ 1:00
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


人類の航空戦力を凌駕する正体不明の飛翔体『ザイ』。上海脱出船団に乗り合わせた鳴谷慧はザイによる襲撃を受けるが、赤く輝く謎の機体に命を救われる。避難先の小松市で慧はある日、 見覚えのある赤い機体を目にする。それが運ばれた先は……航空自衛隊の小松基地だった。

逢坂良太 / 森嶋優花 / 大和田仁美 / 井澤詩織 / Lynn

1/11 (金) [新] 同居人はひざ、時々、頭のうえ。 #1「未知との遭遇」 


放送時間: 0:00 ~ 0:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

他人が苦手で、人見知りの小説家・朏 素晴(みかづき すばる)と人に捨てられ、過酷なノラ生活を生き抜いてきた猫。ふとしたきっかけで一人と一匹はいっしょに暮らし始めるが…?日々の暮らしをひと目線とねこ目線で描き、それぞれの想いが交互に織りなされるストーリーが“心があたたまる”と話題に。些細な時間を積み重ねて、僕らは「家族」になっていくーーふたりでみつける幸せ一緒ぐらし。

小説家・朏 素晴(みかづき すばる)は、本しか興味がなく、自分の創作を邪魔する他人が苦手。ひょんなことから猫を拾い、一緒に暮らし始める。猫の予測不能な行動を見ているうちに、小説のネタがどんどん浮かんでくる素晴。「お前は人間みたいに邪魔してこないし、想像をかきたてられるし、最高だよ」と思いきや、エサをばらまいたり、部屋の戸を引っかいたり、やっぱり厄介者!?しかしそれら全てに猫の“想い”があったーー

小野賢章 / H∧L / 山崎はるか / 下野紘 / 堀江瞬 / 安済知佳 / 中島ヨシキ / 村瀬歩 / 津田健次郎

1/10 (木) BanG Dream! 2nd Season #2「黒き咆哮」


放送時間:23:00 ~ 23:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


愛美 / 大塚紗英 / 西本りみ / 大橋彩香 / 伊藤彩沙 / 佐倉綾音 / 前島亜美 / 相羽あいな / 伊藤美来

1/10 (木) [新] 超次元革命アニメ Dimensionハイスクール #1「ひらめきの天才」



放送時間:22:00 ~ 22:30
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop

石井孝英 / 大塚剛央 / 橋本祥平 / 財木琢磨 / 染谷俊之 / 江口拓也 / 諏訪部順一

1/9 (水)トロールズ:シング・ダンス・ハグ!


放送時間: 17:55 ~ 18:25
频道: テレビ東京
生/再放送リンク: https://forjoytv.com (14-day playback)
支持バージョン: iPhone, iPad, Android Mobile/Smart TV/TV box, PC, Mac, desktop


歌と踊りが大好きなヒロイン・ポピーとマジメでちょっと内気なブランチ、トロール村の愉快な仲間たちが、歌って、踊って、ハグする、カラフルで キラキラなミュージカル・アニメーション♪  ポップでノリノリの音楽で、テンアゲな冒険に自然と体が動いてしまうこと間違いなし!  世界中を夢中にさせて、最高にハッピーでアガるパーティーがいよいよ日本上陸!!

アレックス / JIM


2019 Winter Anime List

1. Mob Psycho 100 II
Second Season of ONE's Mob Psycho 100.

2. Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Stories of old tell of four otherworldly heroes—wielding the sword, spear, bow, and shield—who defended the land from wave after wave of calamity. With the fate of the world in balance, the kingdom of Melromarc summons these legendary figures; in modern-day Japan, the call is answered, and the unwitting heroes are transported to this fantasy universe.

Thrust into Melromarc and given the title of "Shield Hero," otaku Naofumi Iwatani is labeled the weakest due to his lack of offensive capability and apparent inexperience. When the heroes part ways to start their journeys, he only has one willing companion: the beautiful princess Malty Melromarc. However, she soon betrays him, steals all his money, and accuses him of taking advantage of her.

For his alleged crimes, Naofumi is branded a criminal and made outcast of society. With hatred filling his heart, he sets out alone, vowing vengeance against those who wronged him.

(Source: MAL)

3. Kakegurui××

4. Yakusoku no Neverland
At Grace Field House, life couldn't be better for the orphans! Though they have no parents, together with the other kids and a kind "Mama" who cares for them, they form one big, happy family. No child is ever overlooked, especially since they are all adopted by the age of 12. Their daily lives involve rigorous tests, but afterwards, they are allowed to play outside.

There is only one rule they must obey: do not leave the orphanage. But one day, two top-scoring orphans, Emma and Norman, venture past the gate and unearth the harrowing secret behind their entire existence. Utilizing their quick-wittedness, the children must work together to somehow change their predetermined fate.
(Source: MAL)

5. Date A Live Ⅲ

6. Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019)
There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are suffering. This "Angel of Death" has a name—Boogiepop. And the legends are true. Boogiepop is real. When a rash of disappearances involving female students breaks out at Shinyo Academy, the police and faculty assume they just have a bunch of runaways on their hands. Yet some students know better. Something mysterious and foul is afoot. Is it Boogiepop or something even more sinister...?
(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

7. Dororo
A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan.
(Source: Vertical Inc.)

8. Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Considered a genius due to having the highest grades in the country, Miyuki Shirogane leads the prestigious Shuchiin Academy's student council as its president, working alongside the beautiful and wealthy vice president Kaguya Shinomiya. The two are often regarded as the perfect couple by students despite them not being in any sort of romantic relationship.

However, the truth is that after spending so much time together, the two have developed feelings for one another; unfortunately, neither is willing to confess, as doing so would be a sign of weakness. With their pride as elite students on the line, Miyuki and Kaguya embark on a quest to do whatever is necessary to get a confession out of the other. Through their daily antics, the battle of love begins!
(Source: MAL)

9. Manaria Friends
Mysteria Academy is a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without discrimination to the three factions (men, gods, demons), who usually are engaged in battle with each other. Two of the academy's students are Anne, a princess and honor student, and Grea, a princess born from a dragon and a human.
(Source: ANN)

10. Domestic na Kanojo
Natsuo Fujii is in love with his teacher, Hina. Attempting to forget his feelings towards her, Natsuo goes to a mixer with his classmates where he meets an odd girl named Rui Tachibana. In a strange turn of events, Rui asks Natsuo to sneak out with her and do her a favor. To his surprise, their destination is Rui's house—and her request is for him to have sex with her. There's no love behind the act; she just wants to learn from the experience. Thinking that it might help him forget about Hina, Natsuo hesitantly agrees.

After this unusual encounter Natsuo now faces a new problem. With his father remarrying, he ends up with a new pair of stepsisters; unfortunately, he knows these two girls all too well. He soon finds out his new siblings are none other than Hina and Rui! Now living with both the teacher he loves and the girl with whom he had his "first time," Natsuo finds himself in an unexpected love triangle as he climbs ever closer towards adulthood.
(Source: MAL)

11. Revisions
"This is a prophecy for you, where five people will meet huge adversaries, and only you can protect everyone." Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon—Shibuya Drift—with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future. What's waiting for them is endless wilderness and forest, Interspersed ruin, future citizens, and "Revisions" which are huge mechanical monsters. Trampled by the monsters without understanding the situation, a girl who has the same name as the person who saved Daisuke when he was abducted, Miro, provided a mobile suit "String Puppet" and told them to save Shibuya. With separated paths, adversaries, destined prophecies, the boys, and girls are on their journey to return to their original time.
(Source: MAL News)

12. Gotoubun no Hanayome
A high school romantic comedy with five times the cute girls! A high school boy must work part-time to help five sisters study so they can graduate, but the only thing these quintuplets have in common is that they all hate studying!

Five girls who want to do anything but study, and their tutor: a high school boy who's got book smarts and not much else. Fuutarou Uesugi took the tutoring gig because he was desperate for cash, but when his students—the five beautiful daughters of a wealthy businessman—find five times the excuses to slack off, what can he do?! At this rate, the sisters won’t graduate, so if he wants to get paid, Fuutarou must think of a plan to suit each of them… Which feels hopeless when five out of five of them think he's a loser!
(Source: Kodansha Comics)

13. 3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2nd Season
Second season of 3D Kanojo: Real Girl.

14. Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
Ueno-san, who is in her third year of junior high school, is in love with the concept of falling in love. She makes full use of her inventions and tries to show it off to Tanaka, her Science Club kouhai.
(Source: MAL News)

15. Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...

Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
(Source: MangaHelpers)

16. Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki
Second season of Fukigen na Mononokean.

17. Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
One day, fifth grader Hinata Hoshino brings her friend Hana Shirosaki to her house, and Hinata's sister Miyako, a college student, falls in love with with Hana at first sight. Miyako manages to get along with Hana somehow, but her clumsy behavior and shyness, makes Hana wary. Even so, Hana gradually opens up to Miyako, who wants to become closer to her.
(Source: Japanese Wikipedia)

18. Egao no Daika
On a planet far from Earth, there is a kingdom full of smiling faces. Princess Yuuki is 12 years old, and about to enter a sensitive age in a person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and sometimes, her heart throbs with excitement. All the while, she lives merrily in the royal palace.

Filling her days are her loyal vassals: her tutor Reira, Izana who assists in political affairs, the leader of the chivalry Harold … and then there is her childhood friend and aide Joshua.
"Yuuki! If you have spirit and guts, you can do anything!"
"…No, not this again! Joshua, be nobler!"
Stella is 17 years old and a capable, reserved soldier. However, she is always smiling ... for smiling is essential to living.
This is a story of two girls born on distant planets.
(Source: ANN)

19. Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.
Novelist Subaru Mikazuki, who is shy and not good with other people, and Haru, the cat that has been living a severe stray life. This is a story of them suddenly living together and describes the happiness of living together from both point of views.
(Source: MAL News)

20. Grimms Notes The Animation
The game takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a "book of fate" where all their lives are written in advance. However, rogue Story Tellers known as Chaos Tellers are writing bad events into people's books without them knowing. It is up to the holders of blank books of fate to seek out the Chaos Tellers and restore the world.
(Source: ANN)

21. Piano no Mori (TV) 2nd Season
Second season of Piano no Mori.

22. W'z
Yukiya, who is "probably" 14 years old, spends his time DJ-ing alone. Due to his father's influence, he's listened to house music since he was young, and he uploads videos online. He wants to convey something to someone. He wants to be recognized, and become important. But getting hurt is scary. One day, while trying to get more views, he does something that can't be undone. And he sees a live broadcast from "that world." Yukiya believes he can't do anything alone, but that he could accomplish something if he were doing it together with someone else.
(Source: ANN)

23. Girly Air Force
Mysterious flying creatures known as Zai suddenly appear, and in order to fight the creatures, mankind creates fighter aircraft called "Daughters," as well as the automatic fighting mechanism "Anima," which are shaped like human girls. The story centers on a young man named Kei Narutani, who yearns to fly in the sky, and an Anima considered to be humanity's trump card, a girl name Gripen.
(Source: ANN)

24. BanG Dream! 2nd Season
Second season of BanG Dream! series.

25. Endro~!
Naral Island, a continent with swords and magic in which humans and monsters coexist. The terrible Demon King lives there. In ancient times, the first-generation hero defeated the Demon King. Over the many successive generations since then, the Demon King has been resurrected, and the hero who opposes him has likewise reappeared. Girls attend a school for adventurers in order to defeat the Demon King when he appears again.

Though a bit absent-minded, Yusha has the body of a hero. The holy elf Seyla's trouble never ends because she is too serious. The cheerful warrior Fai loves to eat. Mei is a quiet otaku magician. As the four girls aim to be in the hero party, they live relaxed fantasy lives and show no sign of defeating the Demon King no matter how much time passes.
(Source: ANN)

26. Pastel Memories
The story takes place in a future Akihabara where otaku culture has declined. Players play as a shopkeeper of an otaku shop. Together with the heroines who are in fact otaku girls, the shopkeeper start helping people claim their lost otaku memories back.
(Source: QooApp)

27. Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai
In a barren frontier where people trade goods with each other in order to help each other survive. The Kotobuki Squadron are bodyguards for hire, led by a strict but beautiful squadron leader, an unreliable commanding officer, and a true artisan of a crew chief. Alongside pilots who don't lack for personality, they take to the air in dogfights, letting the engine noise of their Hayabusa fighters ring out in the skies.
(Source: ANN)

28. Kemono Friends 2
Second season of Kemono Friends.

29. Meiji Tokyo Renka
Mei Ayazuki is just your ordinary, everyday high-school girl. That is until one night, when the moon is full and red, she’s transported through time to the Meiji Period by Charlie, a self-proclaimed magician.

She ends up in a strange, Meiji-era ‘Tokyo’ where the existence of ghosts is accepted. Led by Charlie, she finally arrives at the Rokumeikan. There, waiting for her to arrive, are the historical figures Ougai Mori, Shunsou Hishida, Otojirou Kawakami, Kyouka Izumi, Gorou Fujita, Yakumo Koizumi, and Tousuke Iwasaki.

Whilst interacting with these men, she discovers she is a Tamayori - someone who can see ghosts - a skill that is highly valued in the Meiji Period. Due to these powers, her relationship with the men begins to change… As she gets to know these handsome men in a new era she just can’t get used to, a love begins to grow within her.

Will Mei be able to return to her time? What will become of her love - a love that crosses the boundaries of time and space?
(Source: Honey's Anime)

30. Circlet Princess
People's lives have changed because of VR and AR, and an competitive sport has born from these technologies called CB (Circlet Bout). CB can be competed between two schools and became an e-sport that decides the wealth of the schools. It also became the real ability of the school, which depends on not just the students' academic skills, but also on the data based on the sport ability, art, skills, etc.
(Source: Official Game Website [Edited])

31. Kemurikusa (TV)
The science-fiction action story follows girls who fight with weird entities nicknamed "mushi" (bugs) and survive in a world of red fog.
(Source: ANN)

32. B-Project: Zecchou*Emotion
Second season of B-Project: Kodou*Ambitious.

33. Dimension High School
The high school boys transferred to an anime world while they are in cramming school. Since then, they start school life in the anime world they transferred in.
(Source: MAL News)

34. Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan
Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan is a fun and dark a 4-koma manga about the real (?) life of the author, a single woman in Tokyo who drifts through relationships and works at various hostess clubs and the like. Lots of commentary on "birds of prey" (moukin), girls who use their cuteness and affect stupidity in order to try to score men (against whom the author is constantly fighting).
(Source: Zigguratbuilder)

35. Mini Toji

36. Ame-iro Cocoa: Side G
In the fifth season of the Ame-iro Cocoa series Youko, the daughter of the Rainy Color cafe's owner Kouji Amami, takes over as the acting manager of the cafe.
(Source: ANN)

37. Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale

38. Star☆Twinkle Precure
The story begins when the protagonist Hikaru meets aliens Lala, Prunce, and Fuwa while watching the night sky. She learns of the "Star Palace," where the 12 Star Princesses of the constellations kept the balance of the universe until they were attacked. Lala is searching for the legendary Precure warriors to help find the 12 scattered "Princess Star Color Pens" and revive the princesses. When Fuwa is captured by an enemy, Hikaru wishes to save Fuwa, and a Star Color Pendent and a Star Color Pen appear to allow her to transform into Cure Star. From then on she works to collect the pens and raise Fuwa, who is the key to reviving the princesses.
(Source: ANN)

39. Virtual-san wa Miteiru

40. Hulaing Babies

41. Mannaka no Rikkun@Kin Tele
Part of TV Tokyo's Kinder TV (きんだーてれび) program.